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CONTACT Dongguan Shuangli Tool Co., Ltd./ US

Thank you for Dongguan Shuangli Tool Co., Ltd.Trust. We were established in 2010. We are a professional gun drill manufacturer with a large scale, complete production process, complete equipment and technology, and high reputation. When you enter this page, you have become our distinguished guest! We serve you wholeheartedly! You can contact us in the following ways!

Dongguan Shuangli Tool Co., Ltd.

公司.pngDongguan Shuangli Cutting Tools Co., Ltd.

联系人.pngMs. Liu:15017090036
Mr. Zhang:18688404766

座机 电话 通信 联系 拨打 线性.pngfax:0769-82893639



address.pngAddress: No. 200, Dalingshan South 1st Road, Dongguan City

Phone: 15017090036 Landline:0769-82893639 88038848 Technical Support: One stone
address: 2nd Floor, Building A, Mingshi Technology Park, No. 200, Nanyi Road, Farm Community, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City case number: 粤ICP备2022054032号
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